Inveigled Into the EUSSR
by The Editor

By David Hamilton - Britain's entry into the EU was effected by underhand schemes by senior politicians who deceived Parliament and the British with lies and deceit into thinking they were only joining a trading arrangement when the culprits knew clearly that the aim was political union.
Vladimir Bukovsky, the former Soviet dissident was allowed to study secret Soviet documents in 1992 by Boris Yeltsin who needed his support. Bukovsky told The Brussels Journal about a plan to make the EU like the Soviet Union:
“In January of 1989, for example, a delegation of the Trilateral Commission came to see Gorbachev. It included [former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro] Nakasone, [former French President Valéry] Giscard d’Estaing, [American banker David] Rockefeller and [former US Secretary of State Henry] Kissinger. They had a very nice conversation where they tried to explain to Gorbachev that Soviet Russia had to integrate into the financial institutions of the world, such as Gatt, the IMF and the World Bank.
In the middle of it Giscard d’Estaing suddenly takes the floor and says: “Mr President, I cannot tell you exactly when it will happen – probably within 15 years – but Europe is going to be a federal state and you have to prepare yourself for that. You have to work out with us, and the European leaders, how you would react to that, how would you allow the other East European countries to interact with it or how to become a part of it, you have to be prepared.” (2)
Britain's entry into the EU was effected by underhand schemes by senior politicians who deceived Parliament and the British with lies and deceit into thinking they were only joining a trading arrangement when the culprits knew clearly that the aim was political union. Our membership of the EU and the billions of taxpayers money we give the EU has no legitimacy. My over-riding concern is that unless some new anti EU momentum is created by the next General Election, Labour, who are looking certain to win, will make every effort to take us into the presently forming State of Europe - and will probably succeed, with the right propaganda, because the electorate are generally ignorant of what is happening.
If they do succeed - the hopes of national freedom will be quelled and national independence over - a nation breaking free then will be as likely as one of the political divisions from Russia or a province of China breaking away.
The documents I provide are evidence of the machinations that got us in and maybe a basis of a legal challenge but they need studying by trained legal minds.
The first evidence is not from cranky blogs talking about shape shifting lizards but were obtained by Mrs. Thatcher through Freedom of Information Requests and are on the Margaret Thatcher Foundation website. (3) If any think the following is far-fetched please note I supply supportive evidence.
The following documents are copies of the minutes to meetings held between former Prime Minister Edward Heath and French President Georges Pompidou in 1971. The meetings were held in secret and the minutes were classified until former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was able to have them released under the Freedom of Information Act in 2008/2009. The following documents will prove how the two most powerful European leaders laid the foundation for multiculturalism and Islamisation in Western Europe and did everything they could to prevent the peoples of Europe from learning the truth about this conspiracy for the next 40 years:
There are six documents which cover secret talks Prime Minister Heath and President Pompidou in the Elysees Palace, Paris between 19-21st May 1971. They are mainly about reducing Sterling fisheries, agriculture and international companies etc. However, there are some interesting admissions in parts one and six.
Part One:
Heath ”...had worked for a wider concept of Europe throughout the 20yrs of his political life. There was a concern expressed that Europe was between the two superpowers of America and Russia:
Heath's “purpose was to see a strong Europe, which could speak with a single voice.” “He often felt that Europe bore the responsibility of the 19c divisions within Africa and Asia... As these countries come to be associated with the EU, in accordance with part four of The Treaty of Rome, the divisions between them should gradually disappear.”
“The President … Britain and France had indeed a large part to play in eliminating the divisions of the colonial period and in bringing Africa closer to Europe.”
Part Six
This part is most interesting today. They discussed the future of Europe in all its aspects.
Heath says:
”Throughout my life I have always worked for a united Europe. But if (as I believe) these issues can be settled to the satisfaction of all the partners concerned, then the way will be clear for a momentous step forward in the movement towards European unity.”
“My hope and I'm sure it is yours too is that the talks we are having today and shall have tomorrow will contribute, not only to understanding between our two countries but above all, to the unity of Europe which we all believe is her real destiny.”
Islamifying Europe
The emboldened titles will bring up links if typed into a search engine.
The EU began an alliance with Muslim states after the Arab oil embargo in 1974. In 2002 Louis Michel, Belgian minister of foreign affairs and later a member of the European Commission, told the Belgian parliament that the EU will eventually encompass North Africa and the Middle East as well as Europe.
There were plans for a "Mediterranean Union" or "Union for the Mediterranean," which are now operating and include all EU member states, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, was launched in mid-2008 with plans for the creation of a "north-south co-presidency" and a permanent secretariat.
Brussels created the "Barcelona Process — A Union for the Mediterranean."
The co-presidency is between the EU and a Mediterranean (Muslim) country, chosen with consensus for a two-year term. Brussels developed the EU Arab dialogue which began in 1974 through “The Barcelona Process — A Union for the Mediterranean” into The European-Mediterranean Partnership.
The European-Mediterranean ("Euro-Med") partnership between the EU and the countries of the Maghreb which is an Arab word meaning "the West", the North African Muslim countries to the west of Egypt-Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, was set-up to promote economic, cultural and political integration of the EU and the Maghreb countries. The Brussels bureaucrats embrace Islam because they want the EU to expand into the Muslim east and south and think the Muslim states will become part of Europe, but in fact we are being de-cultured to accommodate them. Mr. Michel stated peae will only come about between Israel and Palestine by incorporating them into the EU.
The European-Mediterranean ("Euro-Med") partnership between the EU and the countries of the Maghreb (an Arab word meaning "the West" and denoting Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya -- the North African Muslim countries to the west of Egypt) was established specifically to promote the economic, cultural and political integration of the EU and the Maghreb countries. The Brussels bureaucrats embrace Islam because they want the EU to expand into the Muslim east and south. They think the Maghreb will become part of Europe, but in fact Europe is becoming the Maghreb, the Muslim "West."
Western governments have been fomenting insurrections in Arab states and replacing pro-Western leaders with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The attempts to create unity and peace are noble ideals but unrealistic and lead to even more human misery.
There were a series of secretive European Union-agreements with ten European and North African Countries. It is a series of meetings from The Barcelona Agreement of 1974 to The Euro Mediterranean Declaration of 1995. The Declaration was agreed by the EU, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel and comprises comprehensive political partnership, among other things about:
Close mutual European-Muslim influence on radio, television, newspapers and magazines is to bring about cultural understanding. The EU will actively promote such mutual influences. Youth exchange is one of the instruments for cooperation between future Euro Mediterranean generations. Barcelona declaration adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference [27-28/11/95] Secret EU-deals with 10 Asian and North African countries. The EU Offers the Populations of 9 Muslim Countries Free Movement of Goods, Services, Capital and People into the EU. Association agreements have been made with all partner countries except Syria. Euro Mediterranean Foreign Minister Conference in Naples 2.-3.12.2003. This document should give you an idea of who runs the EU.
Smuggling Turkey into the EU
The Euro-Mediterranean Declaration moves forward. The following EU proposal was approved in April 2012.
This a council decision on the “on the position to be taken on behalf of the Europen Union within the Association Council set up by the agreement establishing an agreement between the European Economic Community and Turkey with regard to the provisions on co-ordination of social security systems” as it is euphemistically described. In fact it means Turks can claim Social Security benefits in the EU.
Turks have never before been able to claim Jobseeker's Allowance using Turkish insurance. They could claim Incapacity Benefit and Maternity Allowance but not Employment and Support Allowance.
Muslims have many more children than non Muslims and legally by UK law, they're allowed up to four wives and to claim social security for all of them and the children who do not have to be resident in this country to receive them, only the husband has to be resident here.
Turkey has a population of some 74 million and they are mostly young and poverty stricken. They can't wait to leave. Some will join relatives in Germany but most will come here attracted by our benefits system.
Three weeks after the terror attack in 2001 on the WTO Center in New York, the EU submitted to Islam, and the Euro Mediterranean Project is being used to attract Muslims into Europe. An extract from the- Euro Mediterranean Foreign Conference in Brussels on the 5th and-6th of October 2001:
“The ministers declined as both dangerous and unfounded any connection between terror and the Arab and Muslim world. In this context the importance of the Barcelona Process was emphasized by everybody as a suitable and recognized instrument to promote a dialogue between equal partners and civilizations.” (4)
EU deals to import cheap labour from Africa. The Express exposed the secret EU plan to import 50 million African workers. A “job centre” was opened in Mali and was the beginning of “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”.
A report from the EU statistical agency Eurostat rationalises that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population. Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe. What they really mean is they want a reserve army of labour for Global corporations.
The Portugal Declaration urged the EU to assist African governments in setting up migration information centres “to better manage labour mobility between Africa and the EU”.The first job centre was opened in Bamako, capital of Mali, on Monday the 6th of October 2008. More centres are to open soon in other West African states then North Africa. (5)
Part two – The Lisbon Treaty Deception
Another case of political elites deceiving their people was The Lisbon Treaty. The details were not openly discussed.
Minister of State for Europe, Edward Heath, visited Professor Hallstein, President of the European Commission in November 1960. In his report he recorded that Hallstein had emphasised that joining the EEC was a new statehood and entrants should accept that the EU was to evolve into “some form of federal state”. These documents are held at the Public Records Office in Kew (See PRO/FO/371/150369).
In 1969 the Council of Ministers commissioned the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Pierre Werner to develop a plan to bring full economic and monetary union to the Common Market. At this time a secret briefing note to Heath from Con O’Neill, our senior civil servant responsible for Europe, described “a process of fundamental importance, implying development towards the political union… going well beyond the full establishment of a common market.” The Werner plan was for “the ultimate creation of a European Federal State, with a single currency.” Basic instruments of national economic management — fiscal, monetary, income and regional policies — were to be transferred to the central federal authority within adecade (See PRO/FCO/30/789).
Heath lied to the British people in the White Paper distributed to every house in June 1971. He stated: “There is no question of Britain losing essential Sovereignty.” In a television broadcast to mark our entry into the European Economic Community, he said, “There are some in this country who fear that in going into Europe we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. Those fears, I need hardly say, are completely unjustified.”The move to the Lisbon Treaty began in May 2000 when Joscha Fischer, thenGerman Foreign Minister, and former Marxist street activist, called for a European constitution. It was endorsed by EU leaders in December 2001 at Laeken, near Brussels as a “constitution for European citizens.”
Then in 2003 the constitution written by Giscard d’Estaing was passed to members’ governments. The constitution was signed in Rome in 2004 but resisted by Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, who demanded an inter-governmental conference to propose a new text. This came out in October 2007 and was an “amending treaty”, not a replacement of previous documents. This was an exercise in obscurantism and the chaos of cross-references, amendments, sub texts, deletions and protocols were impassable.
This was “The Lisbon Treaty” and described as “The Treaty amending the Treaty establishing the European Community.” It was ratified in Britain on 18 July 2008 but the public were not told till the day before. As usual the Queen signed the instrument of ratification. We had been promised a referendum on the original constitution at the last election by Blair, endorsed by Brown, but denied on the false grounds that this was not the original treaty.
The Irish referendum result should have ended the Treaty because it is supposed to be ratified by all 27 member countries. Sarkozy told the European Parliament in July 2008: “Irish voters have plunged the EU into a crisis with the rejection of the Treaty. It is Europe’s duty to act now.” He suggested the Irish have further referenda until they win!
The House of Lords didn’t amend the Treaty Bill to provide for a referendum and refused to slow ratification to debate the implications of the Irish vote on 11 and 18 June respectively. Giscard d’Estaing told the Irish Times on 21 July that the rejection had not finished the Treaty as it should have done in law. “We’re evolving towards majority voting because if we stay with unanimity we’ll do nothing.” The substantive content of the Lisbon Treaty is the biggest transfer of our power to the EU, and the politicians and media know it.
Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, revealed the import in the Daily Telegraph on 3 July 2007: “Of course there will be significant transfers of sovereignty.” He said he did not want to draw the attention of the British people to too much specific detail but gave an overall perspective: “There is a single legal personality for the EU, the primacy of European law, a new architecture for foreign and security policy; there is an enormous extension in the EU’s power; there is the Charter of Fundamental Rights.”
The European Court of Justice was modelled on the French Conseil D’etat and this set the precedence for the EEC’s legal procedures from 1964. In Costa V Enel (Case6/64) the judgement is that “the transfer by the States from their domestic legal system to the Community legal system of the rights and obligations under the Treaty carries with it a permanent limitation of their sovereign rights, against which a subsequent unilateral act at variance with community principles can not prevail.”
This showed the E.C.J. to be an administrative law court with competence to rule on any legal issue linked to, or arising out of, administrative actions. It is now an arm of the government of the new state, the European Union. In 2008 the real nature of the contents of the Lisbon Treaty was revealed by Michael Connarty MP, Labour Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee: “Every provision of the Constitution apart from the flags, mottos and anthems, is to be found in the Lisbon Treaty. We think they are fundamentally the same and the government have not produced a table to contradict our position.”
Angela Merkel admitted to the European Parliament on 27 June 2007 that: “The substance of the Constitution is preserved. That is a fact.”
Author of the Constitution, Giscard d’Estaing, chairman of the Convention, admitted on 17 July 2007: “In terms of its content the proposals remain largely unchanged; they are simply presented in a different way …the reason is that the new text could not look too much like the constitutional
Bernie Aherne, Irish PM, told the Irish Independent on 24 June 2007: “They haven’t changed the substance — 90 percent of it is still there.” Gordon Brown told us through the Labour Party
election manifesto: “We will put the European constitution to the British people in a referendum and campaign wholeheartedly for a “Yes” vote.”
The EU elites are deceiving the European peoples, and the following articles are proof of how we are being subsumed into a totalitarian EU state by the Lisbon Treaty.
Article 4(2) was added to the Treaty protocol and gives the EU the legal powers to influence the UK into participating in EU plans to control our legal system and to comply in areas of justice and home affairs.
Article61(4) allows the EU to put pressure on us to recognise judicial decisions of other member states. This called the reciprocity principle and is to lead to harmonisation of civil law and constrain our common law and statute.
Article 69D(a) gives the EU Euro-just arm the power to bring criminal investigations and to instruct national authorities the power to bring proceedings.
Article69E(4) makes provision for a European public prosecutor with the power to override
decisions by the Crown Prosecution Service and for mandatory co-operation between the police forces of member states. This includes the exchange of information, training, research methods and investigation techniques.
Article69G will expand the powers of Europol making it the EU police force. This is why Cameron is cutting our police numbers.
Article 68(3) gives Brussels power to impose identity cards on us and the Treaty allows the EU to assume control of our asylum and immigration policies.
We lose control of immigration to the EU as Article 63(b) states we must help pay for asylum seekers to other EU states if their economies are not as sound as ours.
Article 62(1) (a) removes controls on persons crossing internal borders — uncontrolled
immigration from EU countries is encouraged and goes on.
Article 63(1) gives the EU the power to decide on who and for how long residents of non EU states can stay in the UK.
That the EU is really a state in its own right is proved by Article 46(A) as it confirms that the EU can sign international agreements that will be binding on the UK.