Traditional Britain Group Statement regarding 'Liberal Conspiracy' smear

by The Editor

The BBC Have contacted the Traditional Britain Group regarding the blog story on attacking and smearing us with selective quotes and comments from our Facebook page. The BBC have asked for a statement in response.

The BBC Have contacted the Traditional Britain Group regarding the blog story on attacking and smearing us with selective quotes and comments from our Facebook page. The BBC have asked for a statement in response and the following was sent to them:
"Obviously that blog is no friend of Toryism, Conservatism, or anything in those fields.

The TBG has no "links" with any far-right organisations. However we are aware that the BBC and other media outlets describe some overseas political parties which we take an interest in (and that is all) who are opposed to alien (to cite Enoch Powell) immigration into their countries as "far-right" although it is difficult to see the context as those parties have whole rafts of policies on all matters. They are not single-issue groups.
The TBG also is concerned with an entire range of issues. But we believe that exiting the EU and halting immigration are crucial to the survival of the British nation. One appreciates this upsets the liberal-left but we should be permitted to entertain our own opinions on these matters just as they are, without being smeared as "far-right". It is clear that people across the political spectrums among the man-in-the-street are concerned about immigration. Certainly the Daily Mail also appears to be thinking along our lines.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, M.P., very kindly agreed to be our group's guest-of-honour at this year's annual dinner and he made an excellent speech on a range of issues. Only one person present asked about immigration levels etc and Mr Rees-Mogg gave an assimilationist response. Previous speakers at these dinners have included Simon Heffer, Francis Fulford, and Gerard Batten, M.E.P., whose wife is Asian. If we were the "far-right" organisation which these blogs and communist outfits like Searchlight magazine insist, would we have invited Mr & Mrs Batten to be our guests?
Politics is a dirty business to be sure. But we are a traditional conservative organisation concerned about the future of Britain and our nation. We encourage discussion on our Facebook Wall by sometimes provocative links to stories which have, however, already appeared in the media.

We are naturally disappointed that Mr Rees-Mogg has been frightened by these media smears and forced to disassociate himself from perfectly normal conservatives who actually support him.  In the past 20 years the Conservative Party have lost two thirds of their members by abandoning Toryism. We are not prepared to do that.
We hope this answers your queries.

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