Advertising Standards Authority - Complaint
by The Webmaster

The Traditional Britain Committee recently wrote to the Advertising Standards Authority NGO after becoming exasperated at the unrepresentative portrayal of different racial groups in British advertising. However they respond to our complaint, the reply itself will be very telling. Our letter can be found below.
The Directors,
The Advertising Standards Authority Ltd. (trading as ASA)
The Advertising Standards Authority (Broadcast) Ltd. (trading as ASAB),.
The Committee of Advertising Practice Ltd. (CAP)
The Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice Ltd. (BCAP).
Castle House, 37-45 Paul Street,
London, EC2A 4LS
Dear Sirs,
Misleading, dishonest, untrue and illegal advertising.
We wish to lodge a formal complaint about the human content of just about all UK advertising which purports to represent British society.
According to the Office for National Statistics the Caucasian/White population of the UK constitutes 87.2% of the population. This means that they represent virtually nine out of ten people. We therefore believe this should be represented in all advertising.
There is at present an overwhelming preponderance of Blacks of African origins in UK advertising, yet they constitute only 3% of the population. This is clearly absurd. Positive discrimination for whatever reason is prohibited throughout Europe. We refer you to the UK Equality Act 2010.
We ask the Advertising Standards Authority to urgently address this situation and to issue a directive that all advertising in the UK must be an accurate reflection of the country’s population.
If you refuse to do this, we must assume that you are in favour of misleading, dishonest and untrue advertising, as well as being fully aware that advertisers are in breach of UK and European legislation, and our lawyers will consider what legal action is available to us.
Yours faithfully,
For the Committee.
cc: Committee of Advertising Practice Mid City Place, 71 High Holborn London