Get with the Programme - Gregory Lauder-Frost
by The Editor
Political Correctness has now also totally corrupted debate in modern Britain and when the Church of England Synod rightly voted against the heresy of Women Bishops this week the leader of the non-Conservative Party railed against those who stood up for classic Christian doctrine and told them to "get with the programme". That is the programme of The Left, of course.
By Gregory-Lauder Frost
When we look back over the last 60 years and consider the state of the country today, we ask ourselves where the Conservative Party has been and what it has done in all this time to inspire the people with Tory principles and ideals. When we consider what their efforts have been to counter liberalism and socialism, the two great cancers of civilisation, we realise that they have been an abysmal failure. The intellectual case for conservatism was simply not made, and liberal-leftism won in all kinds of areas by default. This partly explains why the Conservative Party changed to a non-Conservative Party - because parties exist within a wider culture, and however well-meaning individual MPs may have been they are affected by what they study in university, see on TV, read in papers, etc., and these institutions have been captured by The Left.
Until the 20th century the middle classes were largely bureaucrats, or mercantile and tied up in similar and allied professions, and their natural party was Whig/Liberal. Not Tory. The Great War changed that because within 8 years women had been given the vote and with their often emotional understanding of politics, voted Labour who then supplanted the Liberals. From that moment onwards and almost certainly from 1950 these middle classes, badly affected by the economic disasters of the previous 30 years and the drastic threat of serious socialism manifested in the 1945 government, moved to the Conservative Party seeing it as the only way of putting a brake on the socialists. Harold Macmillan in a speech to the National Conference of Young Conservatives on the 15th February 1961 said as much: “some of us had traditional Liberal connexions, but we found the Liberal Party shattered and split. Some of us [even] felt an instinctive sympathy with the new emerging Labour Party."
From his governments onwards the liberals proceeded to take over the Conservative Party and to mould it in their image, naturally, because they were not Tories. That is self-evident. Some real Tories, like the Monday Club, who understood what was happening, fought back, and even Harold Wilson, who could see what was going on in the Party, referred to the Club as "the guardian of the Tory conscience". At its height the Conservative Monday Club had 10,000 members, 35 members of parliament and an equal number in the Lords plus six MP members in Heath's cabinet. The traditional Right were, therefore, out there and they were doing their utmost to get their voices heard. But by then the Liberal-Left had achieved control.
Grass-roots Tories generally had not the faintest idea what was actually going on in their party. They were busy holding jumble sales etc., for it, but otherwise carrying on with their normal lives, leaving it all to Central Office in whom they had an almost divine faith. People who were conservative thought (and still think) that because it is named the Conservative Party that it must therefore be their natural party. This spawned the great tribal vote. The liberals have succeeded in hoodwinking them even though it is now patently obvious that they are a liberal party ("We want a liberal Britain" ~ Douglas Hurd).
The Conservatives have failed utterly on the culture front. For instance, Conservatives have not been interested in the media, music, architecture, film-making or the BBC due to lack of political imagination, or even sloth. They virtually abandoned the art world to the broad Left who naturally used it as a vehicle for degeneracy. They simply couldn't see that cultural politics matter much more in the long term than party politics, or even economic politics. We have as a result become by default a socialist state.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the educational institutions, which are churning out children and graduates who are decidedly, en masse, left-wing and who constantly talk about "fascists", "racists", "homophobes", "sexists", "xenophobes" etc. Yet most of the social attitudes and practices they are being indoctrinated against at school and college were considered, within living memory, perfectly normal and legal. This has now divided society with the older generations often thinking the complete opposite on a vast range of issues to their younger counterparts. Today we have authors such as Enid Blyton and others being withdrawn from the shelves, libraries discarding essential and important reference and history books, while self-declared Stalinist-Marxists like Eric Hobsbawn and other fellow-travellers are given open access to our students, their books promoted by the colleges. Of course, there should be a Proscribed List for subversives like this in our midst. What civilised society openly permits their own gradual destruction by an enemy within and which even offers this enemy access to his children?
In all these crucial things, particularly young minds, the Conservatives have permitted the Liberal-Left open and free access without hinderance and without providing an alternative viewpoint; they have maintained cancerous socialist legislation which has institutionalised a range of French Revolutionary and Marxist falsehoods. We now see before us "hate crimes", a very obvious title for further clamping down on everyday free speech.
Conservatism's acceptance of the liberal-left agenda has resulted in a plummeting Party membership. In addition it has made it much harder for ordinary people to grapple with the doctrinaire authoritarians who run our Civil Service, welfare state, broadcasting services and education system.
Political Correctness has now also totally corrupted debate in modern Britain and when the Church of England Synod rightly voted against the heresy of Women Bishops this week the leader of the non-Conservative Party railed against those who stood up for classic Christian doctrine and told them to "get with the programme". That is the programme of The Left, of course.