Marine Le Pen - Front National - Charlie Hebdo Statement: English Translation
by TBG
Marine Le Pen's statement on the Charlie Hebdo attacks in France, translated to English.
"My fellow compatriots. France is plunged into mourning, hit by a terrible terrorist attack in the centre of Paris on the Charlie Hebdo's magazine. Our country has never experienced so much barbarism for decades. The Nation is united to condemn this hideous terrorist attack and to share the pain of the families. The Nation is united to express our attachment to freedom of information and the freedom of press against who this attack was aimed at. But the Nation is also united to say that we, the French people, regardless of our origins, will not accept this attack against our freedoms and against our lives; it is the terrorists’ objectives to put our freedom and our lives in danger. But we have enough intelligence to know that those attacks against us are not the consequences of fate. These are trained men with a deadly ideology who are murdering millions across the world. The objective is to terrorize, censure, paralyse with fear, and for others to submit. We condemn this attack."