Modern Life and Loneliness
by The Editor
As usual the leftists at the BBC get this wrong. You can come from a stable family background and still feel lonely; be married with children and still feel lonely. Loneliness is a complex business and can be caused by any number of factors and the same hat does not fit all people.
By Gregory Lauder-Frost
As usual the leftists at the BBC get this wrong (“Is modern life making us lonely?” by Vanessa Barford, BBC News Magazine, 8th April 2013).
You can come from a stable family background and still feel lonely; be married with children and still feel lonely. Loneliness is a complex business and can be caused by any number of factors and the same hat does not fit all people. People marry, for instance, for different reasons, very few of them because of passionate heart-wrenching love. The one in almost 2 divorce rate in Britain speaks volumes. People have not found their soul mate and some stay together for 20 years "for the sake of the children". But then they are at least in their 40s or older and not so physically attractive. And looks do help. Feminism too has much to answer for as many men cannot be bothered with over-assertive and rude women. Instead we see today the highest levels of single occupancy in homes ever recorded in Britain.
Teenagers today feel incredibly lonely because of the rabid pressures of the modern world. Unlike 50 years ago the Boy Scots and British Empire Boys Brigade have small numbers today. Likewise the Brownies and Girl Guides. Add to that the liberal-left stranglehold on these and other community groups means that many normal conservative-minded parents refuse to permit their children entry to these organisations. I refused to send my daughter to my mother's old school because it had become hopelessly liberal. As I said to the headmistress: "why should I pay a fortune to you for my daughter be brought up in the liberal-left mindset when she can get it for nothing in the State sector?" Then there is the post-1960s feminism, already touched upon, with free love, promiscuity, smoking and boozing. This is decidedly damaging for girls. Yes, women ARE different. Girls can NEVER escape their promiscuous (and drunken) past whereas men can. It may be unpalatable but it is an undeniable fact. Lastly, in the wake of feminism and the media is the mindset that all older men (especially those who find themselves living alone) are perverts and potential rapists. So instead of younger people enjoying normal friendships with people they might like, regardless of age, everyone retreats.
I would hate to be growing up today. When I was young no-one was collected from school, and no-one was afraid. I knew no-one who had been ‘molested’ nor had I heard of such a thing. When I grew up we picked and chose whoever we wanted to be friends with and who we liked and disliked. We were permitted to form our own beliefs and prejudices because politics was kept out of school. Parents did not send their children to school to be educated by their political enemies. It was left to parents and possibly the Church to instil into us what was right and wrong. Today the children are bombarded with unquestionable left-wing 'norms' and politically correct hang-ups not just in schools but also from the liberal-left media. They are now told how to think, and who they MUST like. It is entirely unnatural and Stalinistic, and the inner sanctums of their minds must be totally confused. Ultimately many go home and sit playing computer games until 3 a.m. and mixing with no-one.
Loneliness can be a killer but as I believe all things are political the attacks by the broad Left on all things natural and which have sustained our society for thousands of years has much to answer for.