Monarchia aut Mortis - 2013 - The Year of the New Royalist Reaction

by The Editor

As we look back on the year gone by, the sensationalised predictions of the Mayan apocalypse don’t seem so absurd after all. Not at least when you consider what has been lost. It is our cultural world that is ending; the institutions that define England are eroding beneath an incessant barrage of attacks, wave after wave from a variety of institutions, each dedicated to cultural distortion.

By Edwin Harwood

As we look back on the year gone by, the sensationalised predictions of the Mayan apocalypse don’t seem so absurd after all. Not at least when you consider what has been lost. It is our cultural world that is ending; the institutions that define England are eroding beneath an incessant barrage of attacks, wave after wave from a variety of institutions, each dedicated to cultural distortion.

The decline of the monarchy is the decline of Britain. The attack on the tradition of male primogeniture, the roots of which go deep down into our ancient past, is an attempt to render monarchy in Britain redundant. The cultural Marxist sentiments made popular through media dissemination have been appealed to in order to put pressure on all fronts, ensuring that religion, state, family and community are all fighting to maintain their crucial function in the maintenance of our culture and society.

Gay marriage is a divisive issue intended to split public opinion on the Church of England thereby leaving it susceptible to secular influence. The Pope has made clear his opinion on what is happening here, and is fully aware that the issue of gay marriage is being used to weaken Christianity in the West. Without a virile assertion of values, The Church of England’s moderating influence on maniacal social engineers in politics will be minimised.

The 2011 census has vindicated the opponents of cultural fragmentation, those who have been warning of the impending demographic shift for years. For the first time since the Anglo-Saxons inherited this land, the English are a minority in their own capital. The English remaining are hardly religious. Anglican churches are being rented out to Romanians of the Eastern Orthodox tradition while the English worship money, technology and celebrity. Can London truly be said to be the capital of our nation when its inhabitants have so little understanding of and sympathy for the rest of the country? For how much longer can the royal family maintain their legitimacy in a land increasingly populated by foreigners with no connection to the tradition of monarchy? Young people are indoctrinated into republican ideologies by American media; this is assisted by domestic left wing brain washing in schools and popular culture. All encourage hatred of hierarchy which is resentfully designated as privilege while serious consideration of the social responsibility implicit in a hierarchical society is absent from their doctrines. All societies are hierarchical. Denial of this fact leads to denial of the responsibility that accepting one’s position necessarily entails.

A plan of action is required; the New Reaction must establish the right to a historical-cultural identity for British people including the right to monarchy. Our nation has thrived under monarchy while republics the world over are in turmoil. Republicanism must be identified as the will to destruction, the will to poverty, the desire for death, the most hateful act of treason imaginable and its cultural proponents complicit in the most heinous of crimes. We shall utilise the weapons of the enemy whenever necessary, if cultural relativism is to be acknowledged as an influence on how human rights are defined, then the words of the Prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, are relevant to our cause.

“What Asians value may not necessarily be what Americans or Europeans value. Westerners value the freedoms and liberties of the individual. As an Asian of Chinese cultural background, my values are for a government which is honest, effective, and efficient.”

Our ancestors gave their lives to protect the British Monarchy. To deny us the right to maintain our state in accordance with our historical identity is to deny us our human rights. This fact also places an obligation to ensure the perpetuation of the institution of monarchy on all the subjects of the kingdom as well as on the monarchs themselves. Those who take the throne must be held to the oaths sworn at coronation.

“Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?”

Her Majesty has failed. Secular fashion wields its political power over the spiritual realm and deems Christianity outdated. Had she honoured her responsibilities, there would be no gay marriage, no attack on male primogeniture and no mass immigration. Those responsible for such attacks would be deemed guilty of treason and dealt with accordingly.

A political allegiance of loyalists must be formed who can put pressure on parliamentary bodies so that the ruling monarch shall always be held to their oaths. Pressure must be exerted on all republican groups and their sympathisers. They should henceforth be referred to exclusively in terms that illuminate the culturally corrosive nature of their cause; name them terrorists, cultural imperialists, war profiteers, extremists, treasonous traitors and any other name that puts them on the back foot, forcing them to defend their attacks on the traditional apparatus of the British state. Hate speech is of course a most devious example of defamatory “new speak”, but we must use the weapons at hand, and since monarchy is our cultural right, attack on monarchy shall be deemed hate speech, defamation of the monarchy by the media is high treason. The tasteless joke made at the expense of our Queen, and therefore at the expense of our nation, by Danny Boyle in his shamelessly socialist Olympics ceremony, should be viewed as the worst possible crime.

The Scouts and Guides are reconsidering their oaths to God and the Guides are even reviewing their salute to the Queen. Such alterations would render the movements redundant and are no less than criminal subversion. A youth for monarchy movement must be established to counteract cultural corrosion and a campaign to establish a compulsory salute to the crown in the state school system; children shall swear allegiance to the crown just as immigrants who wish to become British citizens are required to.

Let us not forget the true meaning of the word king. Old English cyning “king” is etymologically related to cynn “kin, race.” The root meaning is therefore derived from nobility of birth; the king is the ruler of the race by virtue of their nobility. Monarchy cannot “adapt” beyond this meaning or it ceases to be monarchy in the English sense. To alter the meaning of kingship, to attack the hereditary principal or male-preference cognatic primogeniture, is to attack the Monarchy itself. If the foundations of the institution are undermined then it shall not stand for much longer. The commonwealth leaders pushing for these changes are attempting to destroy the very basis of our nation. People like David Cameron, a man of Jewish descent, may believe in a matrilineal descent system, but we gentiles have our own traditions. The BBC’s coverage of the issue leaves no doubt as to their position. First they quote Cameron, "The idea that a younger son should become monarch instead of an elder daughter simply because he is a man… this way of thinking is at odds with the modern countries that we have become."

Later, for an alternative view point, rather than quoting a royalist, a traditionalist or any right thinking member of the public, they quote the leader of the campaign group Republic, whose extremist statements make Cameron’s seem moderate by comparison.
"The monarchy discriminates against every man, woman and child who isn't born into the Windsor family. To suggest that this has anything to do with equality is utterly absurd," This is a cheap trick, used frequently by the BBC in an effort to appear objective while simultaneously enabling ever more extremist politics to take centre stage.

A New Royalist Reaction will be a force against such subversion, a shield to protect the people from insurrection and a reassurance to royalists that their voices are heard and that their loyalty is valued.

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