Conversion Therapy: the Reverend Peter Mullen
by The Webmaster

It’s one thing for government apparatchiks to be “proud” of a policy which flies clear in the face of biblical teaching, but it’s quite another thing for the church to lend them enthusiastic support. The Church of England has not just resigned. It's not merely following secular fashion, like some prince consort, one dutiful pace behind; the church is in the vanguard of the revolution in sexual morality.
Conversion Therapy
Here comes the Church of England again, running as fast as its little legs will carry it to keep up with secular values. Following the publication of the government's Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered Action Plan, a church spokesman said last week: “We warmly welcome the government’s commitment to eradicate gay conversion therapy in this country. As a motion endorsed overwhelmingly by the Church of England’s General Synod last summer concludes, the practice is unethical, potentially harmful and has no place in the modern world.”
The government’s LGBT Action Plan was produced by the Orwellian-sounding Equalities Office. It was only to be expected that C. of E leaders would be first in the queue to welcome and applaud it. For they are obediently following the advice given them by Rowan Williams in his final sermon as Archbishop of Canterbury. Williams said, “The church has a lot of catching up to do with secular values.” Really? Rather than turn to Rowan Williams, I prefer to take my moral guidance from St Paul who taught the very opposite: “Be ye not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). But what heed do today’s church leaders give to the Bible? They much prefer the godless stuff dreamed up by the Equalities Office.
Let us hear a little more from the Equalities Office:
“This Government has a proud record in advancing equality for LGBT people. From changing the law to allow same-sex couples to marry to introducing the world’s first transgender action plan in 2011, we have been at the forefront of change. The UK has consistently been recognised as one of the best countries for LGBT rights in Europe.”
Well, it’s one thing for government apparatchiks to be “proud” of a policy which flies clear in the face of biblical teaching, but it’s quite another thing for the church to lend them enthusiastic support. Increasingly, as I read synodical papers and listen to the bishops’ speeches, I feel that the Church of England has resigned. It’s much worse: the church is not merely following secular fashion, like some prince consort, one dutiful pace behind; the church is in the vanguard of the revolution in sexual morality. Here’s that church spokesman again:
"The Church of England has pressed the Government to consider outlawing the practice of conversion therapy and the Second Church Estates Commissioner Dame Caroline Spelman has held a number of meetings with ministers to that end.”
I have a couple of questions. First, on what grounds does the church wish to see gay conversion therapy “outlawed” – that is banned – and “eradicated” – which means rooted out? It would be wrong to compel homosexuals to receive treatment to turn them into heterosexuals. But there are many homosexuals who are not happy to be so and would welcome any therapy which holds out the prospect of sexual reorientation. A government ban – vigorously supported by the church – would deny them this help. Isn’t that blatantly dictatorial and, for church people, something much worse, uncharitable?
Secondly, why do the same church leaders who oppose conversion therapy for homosexuals who of their own freewill ask for it strongly support medical, chemical and psychological therapies which enable transgendering? We know that these modern church people have scant regard for what the Bible says and for traditional moral theology, but where is their logic? “Transformed by the renewing of your mind”? What mind? I mean, why should we heed moral advice given by people who can’t think straight and so hold two contradictory views at the same time?
Finally, why do both the government’s Equalities Office and the Anglican leadership consistently and emphatically portray LGBT people as some sort of pitiable downtrodden and persecuted minority? They are no such thing. They are a very powerful minority self-interest pressure group and you cross them at your peril. Criticise them rationally and politely and you may find you are thrown out of your employment, heavily fined and even sent to prison. I know whereof I speak, for I have criticised the LGBT agenda in the past and for my pains received abusive middle-of-the-night phone calls, including death threats.
LGBT are not a victimised group. Rather it is Bible-believing Christians who are the persecuted minority in Britain today.
Reverened Peter Mullen's writings can also be found on his website, All Things Considered.