Traditional Britain Group statement on fake news

by Committee

Statement on the Rees-Mogg-Doreen Lawrence affair etc. following another formulaic 'news' website report.

The Traditional Britain Group had Jacob Rees-Mogg, M.P., as our annual dinner guest-of-honour in early May 2013. As he said on the BBC, it was “a perfectly polite affair”. We enjoyed his company and thanked him for his address. Three months later Doreen Lawrence, a constant campaigner against our Metropolitan Police and British institutions, who sent her son “home” (Jamaica) for burial, was nominated as a socialist life peer, which the TBG naturally objected to. We felt this was an inappropriate politically correct nomination for someone who has played no role in our society beneficial to the British people, and who was honorary President of the violent Trotskyist terror group Unite Against Fascism. It was, we said at the time, without merit. We hold to that position.

On the TBG Facebook page an anonymous poster wrote that she should “go home”. The media went wild and attacked the TBG and interviewed one of our Vice-Presidents, who added that the TBG continued to support the 1970 Conservative Party General Election Manifesto which pledged to halt alien immigration and to encourage *voluntary* repatriation. During questioning we were asked “to where” and replied “their natural homelands”. We see nothing wrong with any of this. Jacob Rees-Mogg was wrongly dragged into this by the left-wing media and unfortunately, instead of saying he was merely an after-dinner speaker and had no further comment to make, he buckled under their pressure and said he now realised it was a mistake to address us and supported Mrs Lawrence’s nomination. We are sorry that long after the event he took that position. Maybe freedom of speech and expression is no longer supported by the fake Conservative Party?

The left-wing media have since attacked some of our many excellent conference speakers. We exist to hear and exchange traditionalist ideas relevant to Great Britain and to Europe. We will continue to invite people from many quarters to hear what they have to say. Our speakers are not TBG members, nor is the TBG linked to any other groups. Guilt by association and selective quotation, something the media love, is a fantasy.

We are posting this notice to make our situation clear to those who favour truth over fiction.

Gregory Lauder-Frost

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