Annual General Meeting 2012 - a spokesman from Migration Watch speaks
Saturday, 17th March 2012 12:30pm
St James. Central London.
The Traditional Britain Group will be holding its Annual General Meeting on the 17th March 2012 in central London, St James.
This is a chance for members to nominate and stand for committee positions, hear official reports about the progress of the group over 2011 and discuss ideas for 2012.
A spokesman from Migration Watch will be giving a talk following the AGM - only paid up members can attend the Annual General Meeting, however all are welcome for the normal seasonal meeting from 2:30pm.
Join the Traditional Britain Group here for only £10 (+£1 when paying online).
The venue location will be sent to confirmed attendees. It is easily accesible via the Underground or bus services. You can RSVP to this event via Facebook (click 'JOIN') or alternatively email us at
Please find more details below.
Annual General Meeting: 12:30-2:30pm
- Election of committee officials
- Official reports
- Accounts
Break: 2:30pm-3:00pm
Speaker: 3:00-4:00pm
- To be announced
Discussion, Q+A: 4:00-5:00pm
Informal Evening Social: 5:00pm onwards
Nomination process and committee selection:
1. The nominations deadline is February 17th 2012.
2. Those wishing to stand for their chosen position must be nominated and seconded by paid up members and be a paid up member themself. Please send your nominations, with the subject heading 'Nomination' to (or post) clearly stating who you are nominating and for what position. The nominated member must also send an email indicating that he is standing for a particular committee position.
3. Positions avaliable are: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and three ordinary committee members.
4. If unconested the nominee will be elected to their position by default.
5. From the nominations deadline until the AGM, members will be informed of the candidates, receive a statement from each candidate, and be able to vote by post (on special request) or email ballot, sending their choice to a specified scrutineer (to be announced).
6. Members will have until the AGM to vote.
7. The results will be announced at the AGM.