East of England - Norfolk - Activities for November
Sunday, 1st December 2013 7:00pm
Norfolk TBG Montly Book Club - 15th November, 7pm:
Norfolk TBG will be meeting up for our first monthly book club. Our aim being to share and discuss ideas from our favourite authors and to encourage one another to read and learn.
This month's book is Guillaume Faye's controversial Archeofuturism. The venue is a lovely Norwich pub.
Norfolk TBG Church Visit - 1st December, 10:30am
We will be attending high mass in Norwich.
Norfolk TBG Monthly Social - 1st December, 1pm:
Held once a month, this our chance to relax together and plan the events, trips, and activities for the following month.
We will be again having a roast lunch together at a lovely real ale pub in central Norwich.
One of our members has also asked if he could say a few words and perform a small ceremony to celebrate Misletoe Day - considered a sacred plant in the British Isles - by the river after our meal.