Traditional Britain Conference, October 12th, 2024 - Bookings Closed

Saturday, 12th October 2024 8:45am

Central London

Traditional Britain Conference, October 12th, 2024 - Bookings Closed

Please join us at the Traditional Britain Group's annual conference in Central London on Saturday, October 12th.


The event will be held in one of our usual high end locations in Central London, bringing together interesting speakers on a range of important issues with an engaged and well-educated audience. The event will provide both an informative experience as well as an excellent networking opportunity. The day will round off with a social at a nearby hostelry, for those who do not have to head off.

Timings: Beginning from 8.45 am, the lunch break (not provided) is from 1-2pm, later afternoon teas are provided, the main event should finish between 5 and 6pm. After this we will retire to a traditional hostelry for socialising. 

As previous attendees will know, we usually don't mention all our speakers up front, due to some past dirty tricks by our political enemies. 

Outline of this year's speakers and topics:


David Clews is the Lead Correspondent for Unity News Network, with over 20 years of political & campaigning experience and a wealth of social media and communication skills. David gets to the heart of what is really important to the real people of the UK.


Lynda Rose is the CEO of Voice for Justice UK. There is growing concern that the ability of Christians in the UK to practice and manifest their faith in public is deteriorating. In many cases Christians are being openly discriminated against and ridiculed. In October 2023 the Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians (CIDAC) was commissioned by Voice for Justice. Evidence from witnesses will be gathered and the Inquiry will publish its preliminary findings in a series of interim reports, ending in a final report in about 2 years time.


Dr. Niall McCrae is a seasoned campaigner against the climate change theology being rammed down our throats by every left-wing organisation (as well as many fake conservatives) you can name. It is surely beyond belief how many normally rational people have accepted these theories without question Niall’s book Green in Tooth and Claw was described by Professor Gloria Moss as “a tour de force” and called “a skilful and stunning critique of the green agenda” by Patrick Henningsen.


We were to have Brigadier-General Valdas Tutkus Lithuania’s former representative on NATO, address us, but he was rushed to hospital with a serious arterial thrombosis in his leg, so could not be with us.

We are however fortunate to have had Gerold Otten, who studied electrical engineering and was a career officer in the German Air Force for 22 years. He has over 2000 flight hours on Phantom and Tornado fighter aircraft and is a retired Colonel in the reserve; he worked in the aerospace industry for 20 years. Gerold has been an AfD Deputy in the German Bundestag since 2017 and is a member of the Bundestag’s Defence Committee and an alternate member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.


We were expecting a senior politician from the FPO to discuss their party's plans for Remigration. Due to political deliberations in their country, they requested a postponement of their talk.  Instead TBG Vice-President Gregory Lauder-Frost made an address about the remigration proposals of the FPO and Germany’s AfD, as well as the deportations taking place in Denmark and Sweden. He emphasised that none of us “hate” aliens. We just feel they should not be in our countries and should return to their natural homelands. He emphasised radical and drastic changes needed to be made to nationality laws retrospectively, abolishing civic citizenship.

Viscount St. Davids needs little introduction. He is a hereditary Peer and businessman who is famous, or infamous, for being prosecuted for suggesting that he would pay anyone who runs over the Ghanaian Gina Miller £5000. In normal times this would have been treated as the joke it was, but today under the malevolent Malicious Communications Act (he was its first victim) as we all know, such jokes are forbidden, even when Miller is disliked by many. His lordship addressed attendees on the campaign which he and TBG Vice-President Robin Tilbrook are working on to expose, by name, all those civil servants, local government officers, etc who apparently did nothing while OUR girls were being gang-raped by aliens in several towns and cities.

Professor Edward Dutton, The Jolly Heretic, is a theologian, anthropologist, researcher and prolific author. He is currently Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Asbiro University in Łódź, Poland, and is an Honorary Professor in the Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  In 2019, he was appointed editor of Mankind Quarterly.

Former AfD MEP Gunnar Beck made a short speech about the war on free speech by the Liberal-Left and the many prosecutions as a result.

Gerard Dugdill runs the British Counties Campaign who are seeking to restore by legislation the 92 traditional British Counties to their rightful place, properly recognised, signposted and marked on maps and used as a fixed frame of reference for sporting, cultural and addressing purposes. The number of MPs supporting the campaign continues to grow and currently stands at 30. Gerard gave the conference a summary update of the campaign.


N.B. There were also some book sellers there including a publisher of Ed Dutton's books, for purchase of his books and request signed copies. Dr. Niall McCrae also brought some of his own books for purchase, among others, eg.



We have kept our ticket prices in the range that they have always been, though we are increasingly struggling with the cost inflation in our capital city. Please consider becoming one of our patrons (bottom option

Your booking below outlines your full agreement with our Terms and Conditions outlined beneath. 

BOOKINGS CLOSED Questions? mail us:


BOOK - By Booking You Are Consenting To The Terms Below. Make sure to select the right ticket type and number of tickets.

Your Booking Options, T&Cs

As ever to manage the smooth running of the event, the TBG reserves the right to restrict attendee bookings at our complete discretion. Those who we are unfamiliar with may be asked to demonstrate their bona fides and confirm their real identity. Your continuing to book for this event outlines your awareness and consent to this. Please also take note of the particulars below. 

By proceeding to book you agree to fully abide by all these terms and conditions.

MEDIANo media (photography, audio, video) will be taken by you from inside the event, nor shared outside and the TBG retains the full copyright on all such electronic media taken at the event. Some of this will be shown later on our YouTube channel and/or website. The meeting is also held under 'Chatham House' rules. These measures are for the privacy of our attendees.

DRESS CODE: Smart Casual

EVENT LOCATION NOTIFICATION: Those attending the conference will be notified of the location late afternoon on the Friday preceding. This is in central London near to main tube stations for those booking a hotel. This is our standard security procedure. Those in good standing who need to know sooner can always contact us.

TICKETS: This is a ticketless event and so you will not receive a physical ticket, nor do you need to print out your pre-event notification, your name(s) on the door will be perfectly sufficient.

BOOKING CONFIRMATION: If your transaction has been processed this is confirmation that you booking has been received. We do not have automatic notifications sent out.

Alternative booking options: cheques and so forth to our mailing address: Traditional Britain Group, BCM Box 9045, London, WC1N 3XX For bank transfer payment information, please email us below if you haven't used this method previously.

If you'd like to ask any questions, please do: 

Find your hotel or AirBnB now.  For younger folk, concerned at costs, you can also look at cheaper hostel options. The event is a short walk from many tube stations.

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