Anti-White Policies Continue at The British Library
by TBG

If anti-racism is targeted almost exclusively at White people and their cultural creations, then this is clearly a racially discriminatory policy against White British people in their own homeland.
The British Library, a repository of almost all past publications in the United Kingdom is continuing its pursuit of fundamentally anti-British, anti-intellectual policies.
A recent article in the Telegraph quotes from an internal document that states the library will now “ensure that staff tasked to work on sensitive material receive adequate knowledge, training, and emotional support and provide regular and mandatory training to all staff around anti-racist cataloguing practice.”
If we look past the immaturity of British Library staff who aren't emotionally able to deal with concepts of which they disapprove, this clearly has implications for the visibility and accessibility of content the library deems to be problematic, including that deemed 'racist'.
Moment spooked police horse bolts at London Black Lives Matter protest after rider is knocked off#parlimentsquare #whitehall #BlackLivesMatter #BLMLondon
— football jokes (@Trollfootbaal) June 6, 2020
The Decolonisation and Anti-Racism Projects
The “Anti-Racism Project” was set up by Chief Librarian Liz Jolly (pictured) last year. It was inspired by the BLM riots in London when an alliance of black and far-Left activists attacked police and famously bolted a police horse, hit by one of their flares. The ARP grew out of the "Decolonising Working Group" whose tasks included reviewing artworks and statuary to decide whether the pieces should be 'contextualised', purged from view, or from the collection.
The chief librarian stated that she wanted to be a train driver before choosing bibliotheca as her career, by way of Manchester's Metropolitan University (ranked 67th in the country). Readers may lament the fact that she remain true to her earlier instincts.
As if to underline the fact that the "Anti-Racism" of the project's title is an actively anti-White enterprise, Jolly was recorded in a video telling BL staff that "racism is a creation of white people".
If 'anti-racism' is targeted almost exclusively at White people and their cultural creations, then this is clearly a racially discriminatory policy against White British people in their own homeland. Anti-racism is racism, just directed at Europeans, the only group that progressive elites actively promote discrimination against.
The implications for those British people trying to do research at the library or in requesting access to materials under such a Cultural Marxist regime are obvious.
It goes against the fundamental principles of a library and as such, those who institute such policies should not be deemed fit to work in such an environment.
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