Traditional Britain Conference 2023 - Speeches

by TBG

Traditional Britain Conference 2023 - Speeches

The Traditional Britain Group Annual Conference was held in London on Saturday, October 7th. The speeches from this event can be found below. This page will be updated with each speech as they are added to our channels.  If you would like to attend future events, join or contribute, send your details here. Our next official event will be our Christmas social in London this December. 

Stefan Korte, Author and AfD associate 

Stefan Korte - A presentation by the German author on his new book on geopolitics. Korte discusses the dominance of USA-interests in European decision making, the history of geopolitical thought and the theories which inform this. He looked in particular at this subject through the topical lens of NATO and the Ukraine conflict to explain how powerful forces can bend nations to their own strategic objectives. 

Mr Korte, you may be interested to hear, received an inquisition by our politicised Border Force when entering the UK by car at Dover for this event. The customs official asked him a range of silly questions, totally unbefitting his position or background. He has worked for and with various AfD notables in regional, national and EU parliaments. It seems clear to us that toxic and subversive organisations have a hotline to our security state to make life harder for their political enemies. And these public entities are only too happy to oblige. They had done the same to John Laughland the year previously because he wasn't following the Ukraine talking points in his proposed speech.



Dr. Neema Parvini

Neema discusses his new book ' The Prophets Of Doom', on "eleven thinkers who contradict the dominant linear and progressive view of history" (review).  Neema has previously written the bestselling book 'The Populist Delusion' (review) discussed at our conference last year (buy). He also runs a channel on the YouTube platform on cultural and intellectual issues, writes at Forbidden Texts at Substack and has his own academic learning website, The Academic Agency. Finally, he regularly contributes to his Twitter page.


Alexander Adams, Art Critic, Artist and Author

Alexander Adams - discusses the opportunities and requirements for a cultural renaissance outside of the patronage of the narrow Arts Council choices. The place of art in our culture and how we can get beyond unserious and frivolous art and find a place for serious upholders of high culture, that will helps guide our civilisation in seeing the greater things. Alexander has written many books, including Culture War: Art, Identity Politics and Cultural Entryism (review);  Artivism: The Battle for Museums in the Era of Postmodernism (review); Iconoclasm, Identity Politics and the Erasure of History, and a series of works on particular artists which can be found via his personal website. Alexander also caused a stir with his call in a recent pamphlet to abolish the Arts Council. He featured on mainstream media in the days following its release to make his case (eg. Daily Telegraph)



Professor David Coleman, Academic and Demographer 

Professor David Coleman: A talk on the subject of demographic trends in both Britain and globally by Professor David Coleman, Emeritus, St John’s College, Oxford. Coleman is also an advisor to Migration Watch and a member of the Galton Institute. Professor Coleman caused some controversy in 2013 when he put the fateful date that the British people would slide into minority status as 2066 and was viciously attacked by his peers for doing so. He informed our attendees that he is revisiting this earlier model due to the much higher levels of immigration and lower birth rates since. We will also soon enough add some smaller selections from the Q&A that followed his speech. Slides
Personal website:
St John's:

Leading representative of a central European parliament: this senior figure will describe the current situation in his homeland and the post-election outlook for his own party, who polls suggest will win the next election. He will look at the immigration threat and outline the scope of the actions a political party can effect on its own within the confines of the EU and global rights system and how his own party can be more effective than some other recently successful right-of-centre parties.  He is fortunate of course, to have PR.


Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon of Akkad of the Lotus Eaters

Carl Benjamin (AKA Sargon of Akkad) - the proprietor of the LotusEaters news and opinion site and a long-standing political activist and YouTuber



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