The Latest Facebook "Community Standards" Farce

by TBG

The Latest Facebook

In the latest Community Standards farce by the Orwellian misfits at Facebook moderation, they have declared that our Facebook logo of a British lion built around the letter T for our name goes against their standards on "nudity or sexual activity."

The now logo-less page can be seen here:

As we have long encountered, if the moderation zealots at their Dublin offices can't find anything valid to attack our pages with, they simply make it up on the spot. This allows them to set the algorithms against the page so that fewer people see posts and interact with the page. 

They have a grab bag of dirty tricks to keep pages with reduced visibility and admins locked out and it happens on a right-of-centre political basis right across the platform. They want to rub their rampant dishonesty in your face. The wider more serious question, as ever, is the active political and cultural suppression they engage in in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

Perhaps one day they'll be a reaction sufficient to bring the UK's largest social media platform to heel, but we recognise that we are in enemy territory and that day is not today.

We have written about it over the years many times. Here are three examples: 1; 2; 3.









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